Lacy M. Johnson

Lacy M. Johnson

Mr. Lacy M. Johnson has been a director since November 2019. In February 2021 Mr. Johnson joined the law firm Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP, where he is a partner in the Public Affairs Strategies Group and partner-in-charge of the firm’s Washington D.C. office. From 1993 to February 2021, Mr. Johnson was a partner with the law firm of Ice Miller LLP, where his primary practice areas focused on public affairs services and he served as co-chair of the firm’s Public Affairs and Gaming Group. Before joining Ice Miller, Mr. Johnson served as Attorney, Government Relations Services, Sagamore-Bainbridge, Inc., Director of Security for the Indiana State Lottery, liaison with the Indiana General Assembly, and Lt. Colonel and deputy superintendent for Support Services for the Indiana State Police. He is a Democratic National Committeeman and former Lt. Commander of the United States Naval Intelligence Reserves. Mr. Johnson serves on the Board of Directors of Kemper Corporation (NYSE: KMPR).